Friday, March 5, 2010


Well hello cyber space. I used to have a blog back when I was in high school. I think it actually was a Livejournal. Haha. Nostalgia. Well life has been getting a bit crazy once again, and I'm feinding for a constructive outlet for all the thoughts running around in my head. I stumbled upon this blog spot actually looking for recipes for this Vegan protein powder I bought (Pea Protein to be exact). I hate the taste! But I'm trying to make it work...I need to repair my muscles somehow... I'm a recent graduate of the University of Miami, living on my own, with a mountain of student loan debts and no sign of a high paying job in sight... Not that money is all that matters, pero, Starbucks and my job as an aquatics instructor are hardly enough to pay the rent, cell phone, and monthly loan payments. But I make it work. For the most part, I'm a happy girl. I love yoga! And nature. And animals. And people. And art. I'm also a photographer. Stumbled around in the modeling business for a bit. I like being on both sides of the camera, but prefer being the "creator" when it comes to making work.

My bike is my only source of transportation. We have a love/hate relationship.
The ride is such a rush, but sometimes I wish I could arrive at a destination not "glistening" (as us ladies do not "sweat" you see...haha). Rainydays are always somewhat of a frustration as well. Not to mention the psychotic drivers I have to deal with. It's a dangerous little world out there in South Miami...haha!

Oh, another factoid. I'm from OHIO! But I've fallen in love with this place. I miss my family. And not living on such a tight budget. Actually, lately I've been wondering if I'm really doing right by myself staying down here. I work so much that there is little time to explore new internship or career outlets...I'd hate to move back in with my parents but...At least I could find time to volunteer or find a job that actually challenges me intellectually.

Anyways, I haven't written in so long. This blog is so disjointed and sporadic, but I'm sure the eloquence will return in time. For now, I'm happy to just get a little of this off my chest. WOO! Feels good :)
<3 Betsi